Friday, April 4, 2008

a game of numbers

After having a party at my office (4 vodka shots and 4 beers in 2 hours), I decided to walk home.

Here was my route:

It was 6.4 miles according to google, and it took me 2.5 hours. I was already drunk but I brownbagged an OE and chainsmoked the whole way. It took me approximately 6 p-funks before I felt like I was going to die. The bridge was beautiful, albeit a little chilly. A few skinny gutterpunks made fun of my backpack.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Check out your Walk Score!

This is a great site that utilizes google maps to analyze your neighborhood and tell you just how walkable it is. My neighborhood got a 78, which is sweet. It also shows me where the closest bars are around my house! Check out your neighborhood and promote walking, because walking fuckin rules, kid.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Music for Walking

Happy New Year. I had been ipod-less for a few months, but I received a new one as a holiday gift this year. I had forgotten how wonderful it is to have music playing, propelling you onward. Depending on the mood, my tastes vary; but I think in general I'm a fan of the melancholy/droning sludgy metal while I walk. Here's a current list of my favorite walking bands:

Killswitch Engage
Explosions in the Sky

I thrive on abject depression. What does that mean? (other than the fact that I'm the life of the party).