Thursday, October 4, 2007

Why I Walk.

There's something so powerful about the archaic form of self-propulsion. Sometimes I feel like I'm moving the earth beneath me with my legs instead of traversing it's surface. And sometimes I feel like my brain only works at its peak performance when the rest of my body is in movement. Whether I'm alone or accompanied, walking is meditative for me. Sure, I have my unlimited metro pass, but it doesn't give the same sense of satisfaction when I reach my destination via iron monster as opposed to the tender dedication of pumping blood. When someone tells me to meet them somewhere and apologize for the distance being an inconvenience, I smile inwardly because they're fulfilling my selfish desire for alone time.

This journal is a way for me to share my discoveries, communal and personal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like walking a lot. There was a span of years where I walked everywhere simply because I lacked a functional vehicle but then after I got one, I found that quite often driving seemed a pain in the ass compared to the simplicity of using my own feet.